The story started way back in September of 1996 when finding my trusty pocket camera had issues and an ancient Russia Zenith E was just too hard for me to use, I saw one of these at a local camera store going cheap.
I knew of Olympus as Pop had gone through a OM30 that purported to aid focusing (but wasn't that good at it) and had settled on a OM2SP afterwards.
This model was introduced in 1979 being discontinued in 1987 coming in Chrome and Black finishes.
Anyway money changed hands for it and the 50mm 'Standard' lens. I took it on vacation to evaluate being a believe in the 'give it a real job and see how it performs' school of thought.
The OM10 is by design amateur camera - that's to say it's for the everyday Joanne or John who just wants good pictures with simple controls - rather than loaded with lots of features and a build to take Power Winders together with day in and out professional use in all weathers.
So as standard it is automatic exposure only with a setting for Flash units that are not for Olympus and the Flash is exposure is set by hand rather than automatically in the camera.
What stuck me was the evenness of the exposures because as basic as it is, it tells you first what shutter speed it is likely to set based on the 'F' stop settings on your lens in connection with how bright it is but makes the final decision during the actual exposure so if the sun just went in after pressing the shutter (to take the picture) it adjusts to it. It is what Olympus called "AutoDynamic Metering".
The results were better than expected and as it happened I got the MA1 Manual Adapter too.
This is a little unit you plug in on the front that when you set the exposure control to Manual Adapter enables you to set exposures by hand.
Let's say I don't believe in setting exposures by hand as a religion as if you use the settings the camera indicates you get pretty much the same result for more effort (plus the automatics on this camera are more accurate).
Where you might use it is if there is big difference between how much light the main subject requires and say a very bright background (or for using certain filters) pointing the camera toward what you wish to take the reading from and using the manual setting to lock it.
This meant I had as much control over how my pictures would come out as the main camera but in something much lighter to carry about.
The other thing was the lens was small of really fine quality and easy to adjust from the front.
After picking up a Wide Angle 28mm lens I was so impressed that I considered getting another better specified model.
Comments: I would recommended without any hesitation this camera body to anyone who wants to learn traditional film photography as it is as capable as many others with 'snob appeal' and higher prices.
Mine as pictured has the MA1 Manual Adapter fitted on the right hand side. If yours doesn't you'll find them for sale in photographic stores and on Ebay.
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